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What do you think about depression?

 Undeniable. Nobody never gets stressful or depressed for something. Stressed and depressed often happen to face current craziest world! This situation could emerge anybody without permission. Hard situation might be revealed these circumstances. And it’s being more complex when ones have no clue to resolve their firmness’s.

You can imagine the situation where you are walking in a forest. You are alone, there is no people around you, then suddenly, BAAM! You tripped and fell down in a well where wasn’t clearly marked, and you fall sixty feet down this well. Your leg has broken, and there is a heavy rock on top of it. You can’t move and you are in a sake of pain, and all you can see is a little bit of light sixty feet above you, which you can’t reach it out. There is no ladder to climb back up, so you just stuck down this well alone. Then you only have two options. You can wait in pain for your broken leg to heal by itself, chip away at the rock, and then climb up the well with your hands and exhaust yourself, or you can shout out loudly for so long until someone who eventually walked past the well heard your scream and finally help you out in the way through you a rope to climb back out. That’s depression is. If it’s happened on you, what’s you prefer to do? It’s a frustrated occasion that hard to passed it yet you doubtlessly pushed yourself beyond your limit efforts to get out from the well. It’s all depended on you to decide what is the best resolution that really convenient.

Everyone hopes that they never get into the stressful and depressed situation. It's hard, rigid, and firm. It's not easy. And never get easier for one who faced it. But even it's not easy, we have to passed it no matter what. That's why it's important for us to manage our stresses and continually release our stresses by doing something enjoyable and joyful. And don't miss to always looking for the way how to be happy. Even it's hard to pass the phase, hence it's good to improve our endurance.


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