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Have you done Self-Promotion as Personal Branding?

  • Keep your head down!
  • Don't be arrogant!
  • Stop showing off!
  • Nobody likes a bragger!
We often heard the words above from our society. But we have to realize that's not quite right even they said it the most.

Let me introduce what self promotion is.

  • Self  promotion is about educating the relevant people about skills and value that you can bring to the organization. So people can make the best possible choice in terms of recruiting you and knowing that you're the best person for the job.
  • Sel promotion also a process to looking at what's you do everyday, analysing the skills you have, what you did, and using them to further yourself. It's absolutely essential, fundamental to succeding in careers.
One of the biggest misconceptions around self-promotion is that it's to brag. 
The action of promoting or publicising oneself or one actions, especially in a forceful way.
Universally, lots people fear self-promotion and severals told that they hear a parental voice saying ,"don't show off." and culturally some people find it really difficult to show off and promote themselves. People really struggle with self promotion primarily because it makes them feel really icky. Fantastic studies have looked into what happens if you give people a different reason for why they feel uncomfortable. As soon as people can assign that uncomfortable feeling to something other than the act of self-promotion they are much better at doing it.

Why is self-promotion important?

Less than 10% of people that apply for jobs actually get an interview. Imagine if there are 10 people all as competent and capable as you, you need to have that added extra that makes you stand out. And that's really where self-promotion comes in. We know that about 85% of roles are fulfilled through networking, and the ability to talk confidently about your skills to a group of people who you're networking with is obviously essential. Studies have shown that being able to self-promote not only is more likely to secure you the job, but its more likely to secure you a job that you will really thrive at. The more accurate you're able to be about your talents, qualities, and achievement, the more able the person you're interacted with is to make the right decision about you. Self promotion can help you reveal your untapped potential. You'll see it really works. What if actually self-promotion could be something else than just bragging or being narcissistic or self-centred. And actually it could be a way of sharing and giving back.

Now, take a moment to think about you. Do you self-promote?


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