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Being a citizen is a must for all the people around the world. Citizenship is like a membership that shows the connection of states with its citizens or its people who living inside. With citizenship status, we can be protected by the state constitution, and we can be living in comfort while our right is guaranteed by the constitution. And now, I'd like to share to you guys, how to recognize U.S. Citizen by the law.

People can be considered as U.S. citizen if they were born in the United States of America. But it's excepted if children of foreign-born diplomats couldn't be considered as U.S citizen even if they were born in the United States like California, Los Angeles, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Mariana Island, etc.

A person born abroad to parents who are U.S. citizen if at least one of the parents lived in the United States during his or her life and absolutely one of them are actually U.S. citizen by the law. One parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of her or his birth. They also lived for at least five years in the United States before the child was born, and two of those five years occurred after the fourteenth birthday of the U.S. citizen parent.

The Child Citizenship Act (CCA) grants automatic U.S. citizenship to certain children with at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen if they can satisfy certain requirements. The children who are qualify under the CCA:

a. Biological or legitimated children were legitimated before the age of sixteen while in legal custody of the parent.

b. Orphans born abroad with the final adoption decree, or orphans born abroad and adopted in the U.S.

c. Children born out of wedlock whose mother becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen.

d. Adopted children satisfying the two-year residence requirement (Living with the adopting parents for at least two years before adoption

So, that's all the information about how to be determined U.S. Citizenship through how people birth in case there is a connection with U.S. citizen. Hopefully this information helps you. Thank you.


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