Keep your head down! Don't be arrogant! Stop showing off! Nobody likes a bragger! We often heard the words above from our society. But we have to realize that's not quite right even they said it the most. Let me introduce what self promotion is. Self promotion is about educating the relevant people about skills and value that you can bring to the organization. So people can make the best possible choice in terms of recruiting you and knowing that you're the best person for the job. Sel promotion also a process to looking at what's you do everyday, analysing the skills you have, what you did, and using them to further yourself. It's absolutely essential, fundamental to succeding in careers. One of the biggest misconceptions around self-promotion is that it's to brag. The action of promoting or publicising oneself or one actions, especially in a forceful way. Universally, lots people fear self-promotion and severals told that they hear a parental voice saying ,...